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First Meeting

Posted Sep. 22, 2018


At the end of first day of classes, students will take a coach trip around Gettysburg. It is important to know the town you will call home for three weeks and get to see street life and other activities in Gettysburg. At the conclusion of trips, students meet in the evening for dinner at the director's home.


Friends Not Foes

Posted Sep. 22, 2018


Please note that for all our trips, students are expected to walk in pairs for safety and guide against isolation. We shall be organizing our students into pairs after classes. We intend to accommodate your demands but be aware that we want you to relate with students from other countries as well if any.

Time To Share

Posted Sep. 22, 2018


You have been learning for a week and it is that time to share. Some of you will stand in front of the class to share the communication skills you have acquired so far. We know some students have the tendency to be nervous so please control your reactions throughout the conversations. It is no doubt you're ready to express yourself in English and we look forward to your wonderful speeches so, don't be afraid and give it your best.


Park Fun Is Here

Posted Sep.18, 2018


On a specified date, all groups will meet at Gettysburg Recreational Park at Breckenridge Street, for a picnic and opportunity to learn new words as you sit in a circle and chat. You may also meet in other parks in Hanover or Chambersburg. You're encouraged to bring your camping gears and wear comfortable shoes in case you intend to participate in some sporting events or hiking.

Washington Here We Come!

Posted Sep. 20, 2018


Students gather for a group photo before the trip to Washington DC. You are all expected to gather at a designated location by 9:00 AM and board the bus by 9:30 AM. Bring along few things you may need for the trip and remember to leave your important belongings behind at home. Don't bring your valuables such as International passport on the trip, your student IDs are ok to bring.


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Upcoming Events


Upcoming events and dates are temporary and subject to change.                                       SAT June 30, 09:30 AM

Gettysburg Battle Field tours

SUN July 1, 10:30 AM

Student's trip to Hanover, PA

MON July 2, 11:30 AM

Trip to Chambersburg, PA

TUE July 3, 05:00 PM

Dinner at Director's home

WED JULY 4, 09:00 AM

Memorial Day celebration with host family

THUR JULY 5, 09:00 AM

First day of Classes followed by trip to Harrisburg, PA

FRI JULY 6- FRI JULY 8, 09:00 AM
 Class followed by Gettysburg Bike Week events


SAT JULY 7, 09:00 AM

Trip to Washington DC begins

SUN JULY 8, 06:30 PM

Gettysburg Bike Week All Star concert & events

MON JULY 9 - FRI JULY 13, 09:00 AM

Class followed by trips to York, Caledonia State Park and other places to be announced

SAT JULY 14, 09:00 AM

Students' trip to Philadelphia. Following week of July 18-21 students will attend classes, take trips and visit Malls. There will be a farewell dinner July 21.

SUN JULY 22, 09:00 AM

Grand trip to New York begins, followed by farewell and trip to the airport July 23.

© 2015 by Gettysburg Language Institute

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To request more information:

Contact the Admissions Office



You can also contact:

Gettysburg Institute

P.O. Box 4225

Gettysburg, PA 17325

You can also request more information with the form below and please note that due to logistic issues we no longer pick up students from NY JFK, all students from abroad must fly to any of these airports: Washington Dulles, BWI and Reagan. However, we recommend BWI the closest airport to the program destination.

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